
Collecting of vintage watches

Clock Gallery vintage watch shop

Vintage watch collecting is a fascinating and rewarding hobby that has captured the hearts of enthusiasts for generations. These timeless timepieces, often imbued with rich historical significance and intricate craftsmanship, offer a unique glimpse into the past while seamlessly complementing modern lifestyles.

Vintage watches hold a special appeal for collectors due to their combination of timeless design, enduring quality, and potential investment value. Whether it’s the sleek lines of a 1950s Rolex Submariner or the intricate details of a 1960s Omega Speedmaster, each vintage timepiece tells a story, connecting its owner to a bygone era of engineering prowess and design innovation.

How to start collecting the vintage watches?

If you’re considering embarking on a vintage watch collecting journey, there are a few essential steps to take. First, familiarize yourself with different brands, styles, and movements to identify timepieces that resonate with you. Next, research reputable dealers and auction houses to ensure you’re acquiring authentic and valuable pieces. Finally, seek guidance from experienced collectors or watchmakers to gain insights into the intricacies of vintage timepieces and their maintenance.

Vintage watch collecting is a journey of discovery and appreciation, allowing you to delve into the rich history of watchmaking while acquiring timeless pieces that will continue to fascinate and delight for years to come.

How to became a watch collector?

I learned about the history of watchmaking, explored different watch brands, styles, and complications. Delved into books, articles, and online resources to gain a deeper understanding of the vintage watch market. I can also recomend to join watch forums and communities to exchange knowledge and insights.

Tips for the beginner

  • Consider Your Style and Taste: Decide whether you gravitate towards dress watches, dive watches, chronographs, or other specific styles.
  • Research Reputable Brands: Identify brands that have a strong reputation for quality and historical significance.
  • Set a Budget: Determine your financial limitations and establish a budget for your collecting endeavors.
  • Inspect the Watch Carefully: Examine the watch for signs of wear, damage, and originality.
  • Seek Expert Appraisal: Consider having the watch professionally appraised by an experienced watchmaker or appraiser.
  • Verify Authenticity: Ensure the watch’s authenticity by checking serial numbers, case back markings, and any documentation that accompanies it.
  • Approach Collecting with Passion: Allow your personal interest and passion to guide your collecting decisions.
  • Learn from Mistakes: Don’t be afraid to make mistakes along the way; each experience will enhance your knowledge and judgment.
  • Share Your Passion: Connect with fellow collectors, share your knowledge, and contribute to the vibrant community of watch enthusiasts.

The Pros and Cons of Buying New Watches vs. Vintage Watches

In general, the prices of vintage watches are more affordable, while buying new usually carries a heftier price tag. Additionally, just like with a new car, the minute you drive it off the lot (or take it out of the store), its resale value diminishes. Vintage watches are often made with high-quality materials and craftsmanship. This can make them more durable and enjoyable to own than modern watches. Vintage watches are often unique and collectible pieces that can be difficult to find. This can add to their value and make them a source of pride for collectors.

Vintage watches are not just a tool to tell time, they are a piece of history that has survived the test of time. These timepieces are not only a symbol of luxury but also a smart and exciting investment opportunity. Vintage Watches: A Piece of History You Should Invest In. 🙂

Why I start to work at Clock Gallery?

Yes, Prague is a great place to buy vintage watches. There are many reputable dealers in the city who specialize in vintage timepieces. Watchmaker’s Clock Gallery Prague has a wide selection of vintage watches from a variety of brands, including Omega, Longines, Tissot, Zenith, Prim, Seiko, and more. You’re sure to find the perfect watch to suit your style and needs. The experienced staff are passionate about watches and can help you find the perfect timepiece for your collection. They can also provide you with expert advice on purchasing, servicing, and caring for your watch. They only sells authentic vintage watches. They have a strict vetting process to ensure that all of their watches are genuine and of the highest quality. In addition to selling vintage watches, Watchmaker’s Clock Gallery Prague also offers watch repair and restoration services. They have a team of experienced watchmakers who can bring your vintage timepiece back to life.

Good luck with your collecting.

Lukas, co-worker of Clock Gallery Prague

Our contacts:

Mozarteum, Jungmannova 748/30,
110 00 Praha – Staré Město

Opening Hours
Monday – Saturday
10:00 – 18:00

tel. +420 725 885 580
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Od našich zákazníků | From our customers

Od srpna 2019 naleznete v Jungmannově ulici v Praze malý krámek plný roztodivných starožitných hodin, starých hodinek a barevných retro budíků. Na našem Facebooku a Instagramu budeme nově sdílet zajímavé fotografie, které se k nám od našich zákazníků dostaly. Zapojte se také ;).

Since August 2019, you will find a small clock and watch shop at Jungmannova Street in Prague. Place full of rare antique clocks, old watches and colorful retro alarm clocks. On our Facebook and Instagram, we will now share interesting photos that came to us from our customers. Get involved too;).

Hodinky s příběhem | Watches with story

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We appreciate your reviews on our social pages. Some of them below.

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Přidat recenzi | add review Google❱ Facebook❱

positive review  I was thinking about nice souvenir from Prague. Last day I found lovely shop at Prague 1. For each person from my family I found interesting gift. Thank you.

thumb Rob Venema

positive review  Super ceny super výrobky super jednani

thumb Ivona Wilkova

positive review  Vintage watches are my love. When I was in Prague I have to visit this place. Very kind people, nice items. I bought one old Omega watches from 1960.

thumb Vilius Petkevicius

positive review  Ho trovato questo negozio durante un viaggio a Praga. Fantastico! Un negozio molto interessante, con orologi vintage e moderni, etc. Consigliato!

thumb Andrea Callegaro

positive review  During my trip to the city center, I found a magnificent watchmaker's close to Venceslaus square. There was a nice mechanical alarm clock in the window, it was the best choice. Not like stupid souvenirs on each corner.

thumb Israel Fernandez

positive review  Příjemné prostředí v centru Prahy 😉

thumb Dagmar Pařízková

positive review  Szeretem ezt a helyet Prágában. Vettem ott egy Csehszlovák mechanikus Prim-et. Ajánlom ?

thumb Áron Törös

positive review  Wau, amazing place. All the ticking makes me crazy ?. I like to come for talk quite often.

thumb Bonnie Murphy

positive review  Since I was in this shop I became a vintage Prim watch lover. I bought one Prim Diplomat and Prim Sport. Awesome watches in good condition. I like them.

thumb Daniel DeVore


Přidat recenzi | add review Tripadvisor❱

star rating  Skvělá obsluha. Věděli hodně a dobře mi poradili s výběrem. 10/10 koupil bych víc hodinek, kdybych měl víc rukou!


star rating  Velmi užitečný a trpělivý majitel! Už od začátku můžete říci, že je nadšenec! Koupil si vintage hodinky Zenith ze 40. let 20. století ve velmi dobrém stavu. Rozhodně... read more


star rating  Okouzlující místo s tikajícími hodinami všude: -). Budova je velmi zajímavá. Doporučit návštěvu; )

Patrik P

star rating  Šli tam koupit vintage hodinky, opravdu ohromující sortiment věcí a majitelé byli opravdu milí!


star rating  Tuto prodejnu jsem navštívil již podruhé a neodešel s prázdnou. Velice milý a přátelský personál,který ví co nabízí. Profesionální úroveň a lidskost mne nutí se zastavit vždy když jdu kolem.... read more


‘A soul full of clockworks’: Patrik Pařízek on the timeless appeal of mechanical, musical artistry

Patrik Pařízek, a curator at the National Technical Museum, is a specialist in the artistic craftsmanship of historical clocks. So specialised, in fact, he had to search for a Czech university that would let him pursue a doctorate on the subject. I spoke with him shortly after the opening of a special exhibition he is curating at the Museum of the Czech Karst in Beroun, called “A soul full of clockworks”, featuring a wide array of rare mechanical toys and automatronic objects.

Author: Brian Kenety, Prague Radio International, 07/29/2020

Just short of a year ago, Patrik Pařízek opened an antique shop in central Prague – the Clock Gallery – where he sells and repairs historic timepieces and the odd mechanical instrument, musicbox. I began by asking him when his fascination with clocks began, and about the very first one that he took apart.

“When I was very young, I was visiting my grandmother and I alone with an old alarm clock in the living room and I tried to take it apart. Of course, I totally destroyed it – the spring jumped from the case. It was unrepairable, unusable. Now, I can say that it was quite a collectors’ piece because I have a different [trained] eye.

What made that one special?

“That one was special because it got an award at an international expo for Czechoslovak design. It was quite an extraordinary shape, very modern. And now, such objects can sell for a couple thousand crowns.”

Patrik Pařízek is a PhD student in the Department of Art History at Palacky University in Olomouc, where he researches the artistry of historical clocks, including sundials — his main interest apart from mechanical music machines. Besides being a curator and an antique shop owner, he is of course also an avid collector.

“At first, I was visiting some flea markets, tried to buy some things online or at some smaller stores. But quite often, the seller knows what he wants to sell and mostly they were not such quality items. For example they say, ‘Just now, I don’t have the key, but it’s fully working’, or, another typical sentence, ‘Of course it works, but we don’t have time to try it.’

“I found that it was best to be in touch just with collectors because in the Czech Republic they often have quite large collections and sometimes they have more pieces of similar items so they are ready to sell it, and we can clean it put it in our shop.”

So, you built up a practical expertise – and also an academic one.

“Yes, I connected it to my PhD studies at the university in Olomouc with a focus on the history of clocks. It’s quite unusual.”

Well, if you’ll pardon the pun, I have time to hear the story.

“It’s quite extraordinary because it’s not typical to study this field. I first tried [Charles University] in Prague and [the University of West Bohemia] in Pilsen but they told me they had no experts in this field; we cannot give you lessons.

“But in Olomouc, they were quite open to it. Firstly, I had to find many other people from the field to give me advice in cooperation with the university because of course they had no experts in clock history but there were experts for related fields.”

And more within the framework of mechanical history?

“More within the framework of the history of art – I mostly focused on the types of cases and decorations and historical styles.”

Apart from clocks, you grew interested in different kinds of mechanisms – for example, we met at a festival of street organ grinders – or flašinets in Czech.

“Yes, there’s quite a close connection between clocks and music because with many clocks which are more valuable, more special, more rare there is quite often some kind of musical machine inside. We have flute clocks, reed music machines.

“Thanks to this, I was searching for some restorer of some part of the clock and got in touch with Mr Bondra, who is the president of the Czech society of barrel organ players.”

Patrik Pařízek is himself a barrel organ player and a card-carrying member of the Czech Association of Friends of the Flašinet and Mechanical Music. He also works for the National Technical Museum, where the work he does is a bit outside his main interests.

“It’s a bit different field because I’m the curator for mechanical engineering – we have quite a nice collection of steam machines and other types of engines that came later.”

Let’s turn to your own, latest exhibition, the name of which loosely translates in English as a ‘soul full of wheels’. How did that come about, what’s on display?

“I have been fascinated with mechanical toys, automatronic objects. Many of them people will know from their childhoods. But these kinds of toys are not just for children – we have different luxury ones for adults. Again, the typical ones correspond to antique clocks, in which we will find many moving figures, for example a blacksmith working on an anvil.

“But when organising the exhibition, thanks to my job in the National Technical Museum, we started cooperating with the [Museum of the Bohemian Karst] in Beroun, where the exhibition is located. And we were able to borrow some of the most rare, most valuable objects it is possible to see in this country. The items comes from all over the country, some from museums but many from private collectors.”

Among the rarest items now on display at the Museum of the Bohemian Karst is a street barrel organ featuring a band of monkey musicians.

“I think it’s the most valuable item in the exhibition. It’s part of a classical barrel organ, underneath which is a glass box with these six musicians. When you are playing the organ, each musician in the band can make around six moves. They are moving their heads, mouth and eyes and playing their instruments – the bass, violin and a cello.

“It’s the most popular object in the exhibition. It’s from the 19th or early 20th century and was made in Switzerland, I think, but we can’t say exactly because many were made in workshops in central Europe. It’s not possible to identify from the techniques of how it was made.

“We made a video of how it moves because it’s impossible to show to people every day. So we made a detailed video about each figure on it. Children are fascinated by what people back then were able to make. It’s from the National Technical Museum. It’s the one object well known in the Czech Republic.”

And what else do we have – this one under a tree looks like a shepherd…

“Yes, it’s a shepherd from an old mechanical Bethlehem (Betlém). It was typical around our country during the winter in the mountains that many people making them, and many could move, which was more popular with visitors. This example is from Liberec.”

So, it is part of a Nativity scene…

“Yes, and this is just one part. Each figure has a separate mechanism, makes a different movement, and each one is quite complicated. For example, we have from this Bethlehem scene, we also have moving pigeons and cows. We have six cows and I don’t know how many pigeons. But when you look under the grass, there is such a complicated mechanism, it’s unbelievable how they could do it. What’s more, they made it from wood, mostly.”

“Here’s another item – a man sitting on a latrine. It was a shooting target from an old fairground. It was made around 1910 and it’s quite funny. When the target is shot by a rifle, under the man there is moving… Well, what’s a polite word?”

Right, so, now who is this fellow? He’s got a very expressive face.

“This is an example of a Black Forest clock from Germany. Each one has something special to make it more valuable on the market. Here we see on the upper top of the dial a man with moving eyes and mouth. Every hour, when the clock strikes, he opens his mouth the same number of times as the strikes.”

“Altogether, there are 10 groups from different fields and about 50 or 60 pieces. The largest is a horse we borrowed from the National Technical Museum, from the Letenský kolotoč (Letná Park Carousel), which has 21 horses inside. It is the oldest such carousel in the world.

“It was made with a special technique where they used the whole hide from a horse and stretched it over a wooden sculpture, to make it more realistic. It was built in 1892 as is a quite rare object. Firstly, when the carousel was new, there was a man walking around underneath turning it by hand cranks.”

Curator Patrik Pařízek has a few other projects in development. One he is most excited about is a lecture and workshop series that he and his partner at the Clock Gallery in Prague plan to hold in August, where participants can try their hand at restoring timepieces.

Starožitné francouzské figurální hodiny v Clock Gallery v Praze
Interiér Clock gallery

And you envision the people would all work on the same restoration, or would they bring in clocks that their grandchild also destroyed?

“I think they will bring the items. Because many people are visiting us, asking for advice – is this valuable, or not? What can I do with it?”

Wide variety of interesting clocks, very knowledgeable, friendly staff. Excellent service.

thumb Bruce Johnson

Perfect watch shop in Prague, such a nice collection and the owner was so kind. I really recommend this!

thumb Camilla Marabini

Amazing selection of watches and great knowledge. Also speak amazing English too. If you are a watch freak and want an antique Omega or Prim watch then head down

thumb Richard Grethe

Patrik Pařízek has been leading courses about antiques at the Mozarteum Academy and art history lessons at the Secondary Pedagogical School in Beroun since 2017. He has been working at the National Technical Museum in Prague, where he is now curator of its engineering collections, since 2018. He opened the Clock Gallery antique shop last year.


Poklady z půdy ocení i v Clock Gallery Praha

AKTUALIZOVÁNO: Fotografie předmětů pro výkup můžete nyní vkládat prostřednictvím komentářů pod textem. Děkujeme ;).

Jistě jste zaznamenali nový televizní pořad Poklad z půdy.

„Stará veteš, přívěsek od babičky, dokonce i zaprášený obraz z podkroví mohou svému majiteli vydělat statisíce! O tom vás přesvědčí pořad Poklad z půdy s jedinečným moderátorem Janem Rosákem.“ (anotace pořadu)

I u nás v CLOCK GALLERY v pražském Mozarteu v Jungmannově ulici pomáháme denně s určováním starých a starožitných předmětů, které lidé donesou. V praxi je to obdobné jako na televizní obrazovce, jen u nás máme k dispozici stylový prodejní pult od Jana Kotěry. 😉

Na vaší půdě se může skrývat poklad, o kterém jste možná doposud neměli ani tušení. Naši odborníci, zaměřující se převážně na staré hodiny a hodinky, Vám pomohou s určením přídmětů, případně je i rovnou vykoupí. Kdo ví, třeba i váš předmět z půdy je ve skutečnosti pokladem…

Máte zajímavý předmět, který byste nám chtěli nabídnout pro výkup? Naší doménou je hlavně prodej starých hodin a hodinek. Drobné předměty můžete donést rovnou. V případě větších budeme rádi, pokud nám zašlete nebo v prodejně ukážete jejich fotografie.

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Pamatujte, že každý předmět může být pro někoho pokladem ;). Těšíme se na viděnou v Clock Gallery

Mozarteum, Jungmannova 748/30,
110 00 Praha – Staré Město


PRIM – původní české hodinky v Praze | vintage czech watches from Prague

V České republice patří dodnes k nejoblíbenějším značka Prim. Toto označení získaly tradiční československé hodinky, jež vznikaly v Novém Městě nad Metují a stále patří k vyhledávaným artiklům. Jsou kompletně vyráběny na území naší republiky a nikdy neobsahovaly součástky dovezené ze zahraničí. Základy továrny byly položeny po 2. světové válce. Ještě dnes můžeme sehnat mnoho modelů, které byly vyrobeny dokonce už před 70 lety.

In Czech Republic there is an operating watch manufacturer Prim, one of the few that still makes watches manually based on traditional methods. That means that the watches do not contain any cheap mechanisms from Asia, but the complete watch, including the mechanism, is manufactured in the local factory. The company was established after IIWW and till today, you can buy watch models that have been manufactured for more than 70 years.

Trocha historie | A bit of history

Poprvé se o vzniku první československé továrny na hodinky začalo uvažovat již v roce 1948. O dva roky později byla v Novém Městě nad Metují skutečně založena. V roce 1957 byl vyroben první prototyp hodinek s názvem Spartak a v roce 1958 se pod označením Prim objevily na pultech prodejen.

First ideas about czech watch company are from year 1948. Two years later company was established in Nove Mesto nad Metuji. In 1957 they made firs example of watches under name Spartak. Since 1958 they become very popular items at watchmaker’s.

Jak natahovat a řídit hodinky Prim? | Hot to wind and set up mechanical watches Prim?

Všechny mechanické hodinky se natahují otáčením korunky ve směru hodinových ručiček. Jakmile pocítíte při otáčení odpor, hodinky jsou plně nataženy. Uchopením korunky ze spodní strany a jejím vysunutím do jediné polohy je umožněno otáčet ručkami v obou směrech. Poté stačí korunku zacvaknout zpět. Všechny mechanické hodinky by měly být natahovány pravidelně. Nejlépe ráno, před vlastním nošením.

All types of mechanical watches is wound up by turning with crown in clockwise direction. If you will reach the resistance, watches are fully wound. If you catch he crown and carefully eject it into one position, you can set the time by both directions. After you just click the crown back. All of the mechanical watches should be wound regularly. The best is to do it on the morning, before using it.

Nastavení data u hodinek Prim | Setting up a date on Prim watches

Starší kalibry hodinek neumožňují rychlé nastavení data. Jediná možnost je otáčet ručky jedním směrem, dokud není docíleno správného dne v měsíci. Novější kalibry umožňují s datumem pomocí ruček „skákat“. Při nařízení 0:00 by na hodinkách měl datum poskočit o jeden den vzhůru. Při otočení hodinové ručky z půlnoci o 60 min zpět a poté opět dopředu dojde k poskočení na další den.

Older calibers of Prim watches has very simple setting of time. Only possibility is to turn with hands one direction, until you reach the correct date. Newer calibers allow you to set the time more faster. Set the watches to 0:00 and the date will jump to another. After move with hand 60 minutes backward and then again 60 minutes forward. The date will jump again. By repeating of this you will get the correct date faster.

Kde koupit původní mechanické hodinky Prim? | Where to buy a vintage czech Prim watches?

Sháníte vhodný dárek pro kamaráda, ženu nebo studenta? Díky trendům, jež se inspirují v minulosti se stávají oblíbenými i natahovací hodinky. Lidé je nyní i více upřednostňují před tzv. „chytrými“ hodinkami, jež je mnohdy spíše stresují. Staré předměty mají jedinečné kouzlo. Již si prošly svou historií a udržují si, oproti moderním výrobkům, nemalou hodnotu. Ve vybraných sběratelských modelech mají tak i jejich uživatelé uložené peníze, jež se jim zúročují. V CLOCK GALLERY se snažíme nabídnout široké spektrum modelů i  sběratelských exemplářů, například hodinek Prim Pavouk, Prim Sport, Prim Diplomat a dalších. Nově nabízíme i dárkové balení s pamětní dřevěnou krabičkou.

Are you searching perfect gift for men, women or student? Vintage watches Prim are the best choise. They have mechanical movements, which is now more popular than smartwatches. Nice retro designs will bring you to previous, not stressfull ages. Antique object has own special magic and they keep its value. At CLOCK GALLERY we are offering big selection of watches from each era together with rare and extraordinary collectors pieces, for example Prim Spider, Prim Sport or Prim Diplomat. Now we have in stock also decorative wooden gift boxes with engraving of our logo.

IČ: 081 77 341
Mozarteum, Jungmannova 748/30,
110 00 Praha – Staré Město

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