Since the beginning of the year we were quite busy in our Clock Gallery. We are glad for it. I spent my time with some watch collectors and watch fans, so I decide to share some interesting points, because old, vintage and antique watches is my love.
Why buy vintage watches?
I was thinking many times about this question. Vintage watches worth it. It is not so many objects keeping nice design, special mechanical movement together with own soul. Each from our customers are thinking diferently, but they have something in common. Mechanical watches give you time to focus and slow down. Just look on them during busy day, boring meeting or stresfull argue. Just look on them, concentrate and listen their ticking. So I think your next watch should be vintage. Believe me 🙂
Top reasons for buying vintage watch
- It is often the case that items which have a history and a story to tell are much more valuable and desirable than those that don’t.
- When you buy an original vintage watch, you are virtually guaranteed to own a timepiece that you will not see anybody else wearing.
- One of the very reasons I would suggest you buy a vintage watch is that watches used to be made from high-quality materials and hand-crafted techniques. Many vintage watches are usually found to have not only been made solely by hand but also benefit from mechanical and incredibly precise movements. This arguably makes them far more likely to stand the test of time than their modern, machine-built counterparts.
When is watch vintage?
That is a bit tricky question, but by our meaning it is wrist watches made between years 1920 and 1980. It is long era with complicated and changeable history which is engraved into their designs, craftsman techniques and often heartbreaking stories behind them. From this reasons me and my friens from university started to collect them and few years ago we opened small shop in the middle of Prague. It is like a little gem for us.
Vintage watches are making comeback
Of course I can confirm this comeback. Each year there is more people in Prague interested in them. If they found a way to our store everytime it is nice experience. I like when czech people are patriotic, so they likes czech brand watch Prim, but now also foreignes fall in love to them.
One of the most valuable souvenirs from Prague
Thanks to watch, we met many interesting people from differents kind of professions. From students, drivers, lawyers, retail agents, singers, actors, directors to President of the European Parliament 🙂 Anyone can say they get timepiece which will delight them for a long time. Check pages with our mens or womens wristwatches.
Clock Gallery: Vintage watches for pure joy
The biggest and most important reason that you should buy a vintage watch is for the pure joy and enjoyment you will get from owning and wearing one. Each and every vintage watch out there has its own personality, history, and unique story to tell. And if they could talk, there’s nothing they would hate more than to be cooped up in a display case in some cabinet. Watches are made to be worn and used, and any that aren’t fulfilling that purpose should be passed on to someone who will appreciate them.
Can vintage watch be worn daily?
Yes, because people in previous time buy just between one or four pieces in life, so they are more durable. Wrist watches after service will work for you long time.
Can vintage watches be repaired?
One of the most common questions asked by vintage collectors. The answer is almost always yes, any watch can be repaired, no matter if it is glass or crystal, automatic or manual movement. There are some exceptions, but mostly any repairs will only be limited to the money you are willing to spend, the watchmaker’s capabilities, or equipment available to make the repairs. We recomend to take care about watch as a little treasure. We are offering watch service for all watches from our shop. Fastest way is to write us or share some pictures of broken piece.
Our contacts:
Mozarteum, Jungmannova 748/30,
110 00 Praha – Staré Město
Opening Hours
Monday – Saturday
10:00 – 18:00
tel. +420 725 885 580
E-mail | info@clockgallery.cz
Messenger | m.me
WhatsApp | wa.me
Facebook | fb.com/clockgallery.cz
Instagram | @clock_gallery
YouTube | Akademie Mozarteum
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